Businesses often think that they should buy a massive email list, send an email out hoping that straight away they will win new contracts and get more interest …please don’t do this…WHY? How do you know if this is the correct email address? What do they do …They might not even be the right customerRead more
Over the years we have had customers say “I bet Friday is not a good day to call out” in fact Friday is a very good day like the other four working days we call out for, why? Or we have had “I bet August is not very good as everyone has holidays” People stillRead more
What an achievement for VTM! We are very very proud to be awarded this, we were nominated through a video that our MD Jo did for the Cabinet Office through the first lockdown period. We got noticed as a company that will get through this period, what we had put in place to come intoRead more
Every business needs dream data to work on and develop, here at VTM we understand data, it’s in our DNA. When you get the data right good things start to happen. When you buy data from VTM you only buy what you need and we will be asking you many questions to really understand whatRead more
We are very proud to receive this from one of our customers, this sums up how dynamic, focused, trained, committed and great we are. As a leading pet manufacturer enjoying significant periods of growth in new and existing markets, we need the capability to accelerate sales activity to cover a wide and diverse customer base.Read more
VTM are busy looking after our customers. The main focus is customer service with a twist, connect with your customers, found out how their business is and what their growth or review plans are and how we can be part of that. Checking all data and contact information is GDPR compliant, agreeing a follow upRead more
These are the three key words for businesses at this current time. We all need to use these everyday for the next few months to make sure our businesses stay on track. At VTM we are doing what we do best, communicating with all our customers, colleagues and our pipeline. Our MD Jo would beRead more
Everywhere you look there are sales teams who are for and against telephone marketing. How often have you heard that cold calling is dead? But how often have you also heard that cold calling is alive and well? We speak to hundreds of clients on a daily basis and we are strongly in the campRead more
A Suffolk businesswoman who has been chosen by central government to promote their Small Business Grants Fund Scheme is imploring business owners who have not yet applied to do so. Jo Withers, managing director of VTM Versatile Telephone Marketing Ltd, took to Instagram earlier this month to thank West Suffolk Council by video for theirRead more